HBO has unveiled their first look at the next season of Boardwalk Empire after making a big impression worldwide and winning Steve Buscemi a Golden Globe for his multi-layered performance as Nucky Thompson, the charismatic and corrupt treasurer of Atlantic City during the time of Prohibition.
- On Set Season 1
The show had the benefit of Martin Scorsese helming the first episode, and does an incredible job at capturing the era and recreating the cities of the twenties. Similar to ‘The Sopranos’ that told the tale of organised crime in modern day New Jersey, Boardwalk shows how the mob took a hold and through the maze of characters and pivotal historical events, we gleam an understanding of what society was like in those times, and how the power struggles depicted continue to this day.
Invitation to the Set of Season 2:
The show has an incredible style with story arcs that pay off later down the road, and with former Sopranos writers and directors on board, there’s a similar sense of story structure and timing of events. Not everything connects but then in life not everything does, it doesn’t play like regular TV and demands an attentive viewer to see the myriad of possibilities that may lie in store.
In the new season William Forsythe has a recurring role as a gangster named Manny Horvitz, no stranger to mob dramas he played Al Capone in the 90′s TV series ‘The Untouchables’. Also joining the cast is Charlie Cox as an Irish gangster with ties to the IRA.
The new trailer offers more corrupt politics, Nucky strengthening his grip, more liquor trafficking, Jimmy playing a bigger part in organised crime, plus the Ku Klux Klan and plenty of payback.
Boardwalk Empire airs on HBO in September, check out the trailer here:
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