Archive | Movies

Legacy re-shoots with the help of Pixar

TRON: Legacy is the highly anticipated Christmas holiday movie that will introduce a new generation to the world of Tron and for long time fans bring the virtual realm to a whole new level. From computer whiz Joseph Kosinski whose body of work is something of a marvel,  and Lost final season writers Edward Kitsis […]

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Whedon set to Avenge the Hulk

The Avengers is the latest superhero film from Marvel studios that assembles some of the biggest comic book characters on one giant canvas. Originally Jon Favreau was hoping to direct the film which is why he agreed to the Avengers references in Ironman 2. Cost cutting forced the dumping of Terence Howard and at one […]

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Mad Max….A Furious Road Ahead

The Mad Max sequel ‘The Road Warrior‘ redefined the action genre with it’s raw visual style and unrelenting violence. Photographed by Oscar winner Dean Semler and directed by George Miller,  it’s frenetic style set the tone for this jarring vision of man’s loss of humanity in a future where society had decayed. When Mel Gibson […]

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Jeff Bridges gets a CG makeover for a new Legacy

The 1982 film TRON was a milestone in movies  primarily for it’s integration of computer generated imagery and the cutting edge visuals that contributed to the digital film-making revolution. Despite  only making a modest amount at the box office, the movie eventually became a cult classic for it’s innovative grasp of future gaming culture as […]

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Ripley, we’re scared

When Alien hit screens in 1979 it changed sci-fi /horrors forever, not only did it have impressive effects and rich production design, it’s director was able to do something that few had achieved up until then, create an intelligent and claustrophobic horror that pinned audiences to their seats. At the core there was a profound […]

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To Kill a Xenomorph

For some time it has been touch and go but it seems that the stars are in alignment and confirmations of rumors seem fortuitous for fans of their favorite Xenomorph, aka the Alien. The esteemed director of the original Alien franchise Sir Ridley Scott, will be returning to helm a brand new installment of the […]

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Tintin gets the 3D Hollywood makeover

The classic comic book series which began as a weekly strip in a Belgian newspaper, and served to bolster the stance against social oppression with it’s irrepressible titular character Tintin, will finally come to life in digital 3d cinemas. Legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg has owned the rights to produce a film adaptation since the mid […]

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