Archive | Sequels/Prequels

Star Trek 2 – Teaser Poster

This seems to be one of the first teaser-promo images for the upcoming Star Trek sequel which is still being written, so we’re unsure if it’s from the Studio’s or the marketing department to feature on web boards or catalogs. Nonetheless a great find from Collider, we can’t wait for the JJ Abrams sequel, still […]

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Tron: Legacy – New Posters

These new posters for the upcoming ultimate gaming movie, Tron: Legacy came online in the last few days and we thought it would be cool to feature them. The posters each unlock a part of the final image, the first is a throwback to the original Tron poster and shows  Sam Flynn and Quorra as […]

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Cruise’s Team Accepts Their Mission

After months of speculation and rumor, the latest addition to the series with master animator Brad Bird making his directorial debut, finally settles on a title. For months the word was the studio was going to call it The Mission, yeah that’s was crazy – in the hopes it could be a reboot so that […]

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Tron Legacy Concept Art

Tron: Legacy is set to push the visual realm to new heights and reflects the tireless work of director Joseph Kosinski and the talented digital artists over at Disney. With the trailers looking so impressive you might be wondering how the designers came up with the surreal imagery, well thanks to Collider you can scope […]

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Confirmed: The Dark Knight Rises

Whilst little is still known about the new Batman film except by Christopher Nolan and his team, what has now been confirmed is the title which builds on the second film,  simply calling it The Dark Knight Rises. This works well for the franchise with the Dark Knight being the most popular association to Batman […]

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Liam Neeson replaces Mel in the Hangover 2

It was quite the news over recent days when the cast of the Hangover 2, specifically Zach Galifianakis objected to the participation of  former superstar Mel Gibson in a cameo appearance. Somewhat ironic that Zach makes a living playing drug induced losers popping all sorts of drugs in the Hangover and in HBO’s Bored to […]

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Lindelof Overhauls Alien, Onboard for Trek 2

Damon Lindelof is one of the creative minds who brought us the mind bending TV juggernaut Lost which concluded in May, now the writer / producer is focusing his efforts on projects for the big screen. Having worked as a script doctor for the studios, he became the Go-to-guy and is now a significant influence […]

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