The long rumoured fourth instalment of the Jurassic Park franchise is set to become a reality with Universal Pictures announcing that it will open in 3D, June 13, 2014. Steven Spielberg is set to produce along with Lucasfilm’s new president Kathleen Kennedy, but at this stage no director is attached.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes screenwriters Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, recently turned in a fresh draft of the script, so Universal is obviously happy and keen to move forward. However that only gives the studio around 18 months to get pre-production started, cast actors, shoot and finish the many visual effects the CGI extravaganza will undoubtedly require.
Spielberg was set to make the sci-fi adaptation Robopocalypse, but that project was shelved due to script issues. Spielberg directed the first two Jurassic Parks, but Joe Johnston took over directing duties on the sub-par third instalment.
The original is getting a one week IMAX 3D re-release in April, and Spielberg was very involved in ensuring the converted flick got a theatrical re-release. That said, it’s possible his fondness of the original could signal his return to the franchise. Action and adventure is something Spielberg excels at, and a sequel of this magnitude requires a commanding film-maker with exceptional storytelling skills. Hopefully he or an equally qualified director takes full advantage of the potential of the franchise and the technological advancements – which will no doubt make the dinosaurs come to life in ways that’s sure to be more amazing than ever before.
Jurassic Park 3D opens April 5th.
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