Brad Bird‘s first live action directorial feature Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol will be opening a week earlier in the prestigious IMAX format, ahead of the film’s national December 21st release. The original movie directed by Brian De Palma had some fantastic twists not to mention it’s show-stopping train top finale, though the new film is said to take the imagery to the next level with more than a half an hour shot exclusively in the big screen format.
Interestingly ‘Dark Knight Rises‘ director Christopher Nolan also prefers this film format over 3D as it increases the scope and the immersion of the viewer’s experience. In Ghost Protocol, scenes that show Tom Cruise scaling the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai are said to be incredible, and along with other aspects of the film’s visual appeal, the decision was made to release the film in the larger proprietary format.
The film has been digitally remastered in terms of sound and image quality for the IMAX experience, so this is one worth checking out.
Previews in IMAX begin Friday, Dec. 16, the film then opens December 21, 2011.
Catch the trailer here:
via: Deadline
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