THE AVENGERS First Trailer

Shock and awe might be the best way to describe the new trailer for The Avengers directed by ‘Buffy’ creator, Joss Whedon in his second big screen effort after his ‘Firefly’ adaptation. So how does this new trailer stack up you’re wondering, well it’s both visually appealing and has some trademark Whedon humor and some decent CGI, which is always nice. The fusing of the franchises requires a big canvas with which to work, and surprisingly their seems to be a good vibe with all of the converging characters. At one point you do a double take when you see each one, especially Iron Man, but the setting is a high tech environment in which they’ve been gathered to defend mankind and all up things look pretty cool.

There’s a hint that some of the superheroes don’t like each other straight away, and the friction between Iron Man and Captain America works well and should provide for some fun moments. As you’re watching the trailer you start ticking off all of the superheroes that feature, until the last few seconds and you think they’ve missed one, namely The Hulk. With the characters all well established in their own flicks, and the only change being Captain America’s outfit having landed in the present – the Hulk has undergone plenty of creative changes in his recent films.

While the trailer only gives us a glimpse of the new Hulk, the extreme close-up we’re offered looks good and there’s plenty of facial detail which resembles actor Mark Ruffalo – so it will be interesting to see how his character turns out in the final cut. Robert Downey Jr. has the coolest line when he meets Dr Banner, besides what else can you say to this guy without making him angry?

Little of the story is given away except for the fact that Thor’s half-brother Loki comes to earth, his army soon follows and chaos ensues and the team put together by Samuel L. Jackson, must do their darnedest to stop them.

Thanks to Apple HD, check out the trailer here:

The flick  stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Ruffalo, and Cobie Smulders.

Catch The Avengers in 3D on May 4th, 2012.

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One Response to THE AVENGERS First Trailer

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