Tag Archives | alien

PROMETHEUS Has Landed – New Clip and Featurettes

The expectation for Ridley Scott’s long awaited return to sci-fi with his new film Prometheus, continues to gather momentum. Now a new clip has been released that serves as a nice appetizer to the film, without the narrative exposition of a full blown trailer. While the scene feels trimmed, there’s plenty of ambiance and stunning imagery abound. The film will be R-rated so […]

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Ridley Scott’s PROMETHEUS First Trailer

The long awaited trailer for Ridley Scott‘s Prometheus has been released by 20th Century Fox.  Speculation and mystery has surrounded this sci-fi project with ties to the Alien series for the better part of two years, now it’s all in plain sight – and what an impressive trailer, albeit teaser it is. From the striking production design to the hauntingly surreal look, Ridley Scott […]

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H.R. Giger Returns for The Alien ‘Prequel’

The acclaimed artist who conceived much of the terrifying world unleashed in 1979’s Alien is re-teaming with Ridley Scott for the upcoming prequel feature. Carmen Scheifele, the wife of the surrealist sculptor and designer H.R. Giger spoke with German TV and said that her husband was indeed returning to work with Scott on the sets and […]

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Ripley, we’re scared

When Alien hit screens in 1979 it changed sci-fi /horrors forever, not only did it have impressive effects and rich production design, it’s director was able to do something that few had achieved up until then, create an intelligent and claustrophobic horror that pinned audiences to their seats. At the core there was a profound […]

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Jonesy and the Alien

Check out a classic scene from the original ALIEN movie where screen legend Harry Dean Stanton is just trying to find that darn cat, Jonesy. [jwplayer config=”ws_movie_2″ mediaid=”123″]property of 20th Century Fox

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