Tag Archives | Bryan Cranston

Bryan Cranston Talks BREAKING BAD and TOTAL RECALL

Bryan Cranston and the cast of Drive were recently promoting the film’s upcoming release at the Toronto International Film Festival. While there he gave un update on Len Wiseman‘s remake of Total Recall, and offered his feelings about the final season of his hit AMC TV series Breaking Bad. The original Total Recall was an ultra violent futuristic thriller starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and directed […]

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DRIVE – Red Band Trailer

Distributor FilmDistrict has released the red-band trailer for the new Ryan Gosling flick Drive that’s directed by Nicolas Winding Refn who made the Tom Hardy jail flick ‘Bronson’. The new trailer premiered at the Cannes and LA Film Festivals and just days ago at Comic-Con, generating plenty of buzz. Ryan Gosling stars as a stunt driver who becomes a wheelman […]

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BREAKING BAD – Bryan Cranston Interview and Promos

AMC‘s Breaking Bad has been a big hit with viewers worldwide and has propelled the dad from ‘Malcolm In The Middle’ into the stratosphere of acting. With the shooting of the fourth season now complete, Bryan Cranston‘s next project will be in Toronto to play the role of Cohaagen in Len Wiseman‘s Total Recall reboot starring Colin Farrell. Breaking Bad introduced us to […]

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