Tag Archives | Colin Farrell

New Clips from TOTAL RECALL

Director Len Wiseman’s remake of Total Recall opens next week, and to generate some more interest Sony has released 5 new clips that showcase the action and effects. What’s interesting is the clips mirror moments from the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic, though this is probably intentional to show the difference in tone as well the homages being paid to the original. With the Mars storyline excised, there’s […]

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TOTAL RECALL – Hover Cars Featurette

A new featurette has gone online for director Len Wiseman’s Total Recall reboot. Flying Cars have been a mainstay of sci-fi for years – now they make a welcome return to the world of ‘Recall’ thanks to some cool effects which makes them seem all the more believable. This  new poster plays up the ‘memories for sale’ aspect of the story which […]

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TOTAL RECALL New Full-Length Trailer

A new theatrical trailer has been released for the Total Recall reboot from director Len Wiseman who’s helmed some successful flicks, though his list of films are considerably uneven. His take on the Die Hard franchise was a miscalculated attempt to bolster a sturdy formula with over the top action, and while the new imagery from his Total Recall remake looks impressive – many […]

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TOTAL RECALL – First Trailer

The first trailer is here for Len Wiseman’s remake of Paul Verhoeven’s 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger action fest, Total Recall. This new take on the Philip K. Dick short story dispenses with the Mars theme and sets the story in a future world that’s reminiscent of the visuals of the Fifth Element. Boasting some impressive digitally rendered set pieces, it looks both slick and engaging, […]

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Bryan Cranston Talks BREAKING BAD and TOTAL RECALL

Bryan Cranston and the cast of Drive were recently promoting the film’s upcoming release at the Toronto International Film Festival. While there he gave un update on Len Wiseman‘s remake of Total Recall, and offered his feelings about the final season of his hit AMC TV series Breaking Bad. The original Total Recall was an ultra violent futuristic thriller starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and directed […]

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HORRIBLE BOSSES – Red Band Trailer

Prepare yourself for an expletive filled red-band trailer for the new flick, Horrible Bosses which hopes to cash in on the racy humour that made ‘Bad Teacher’ such a hit with audiences. There’s quite a few laughs to be had with these three guys hoping to rid themselves of their awful bosses my approaching a gun for hire. Turns out these […]

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BREAKING BAD – Bryan Cranston Interview and Promos

AMC‘s Breaking Bad has been a big hit with viewers worldwide and has propelled the dad from ‘Malcolm In The Middle’ into the stratosphere of acting. With the shooting of the fourth season now complete, Bryan Cranston‘s next project will be in Toronto to play the role of Cohaagen in Len Wiseman‘s Total Recall reboot starring Colin Farrell. Breaking Bad introduced us to […]

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Here’s the latest trailer for Fright Night, an updating of the 80s cult-classic with more of a focus on thrills and action rather than the toned down exploits of it’s predecessor. Colin Farrell who’s taking on more mainstream roles these days plays the wickedly ingenious but evil blood-sucker, Jerry Dandridge. Anton Yelchin of ‘Star Trek’ fame, plays teenager Charley Brewster living with […]

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