Tag Archives | Django Unchained

Sensational New International Trailer for DJANGO UNCHAINED

Quentin Tarantino‘s latest genre bending epic Django Unchained  is but mere months away from release, and the latest trailer is the best one yet. This time we’re offered a better glimpse of the main characters with an emphasis on just how much fun everyone seems to be having helping to tell what looks to be an incredible story. We also get to see how […]

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Quentin Tarantino’s DJANGO UNCHAINED First Trailer

Quentin Tarantino‘s foray into the  spaghetti western sub genre is here with the first trailer for Django Unchained. Feeling like a throwback to the films of Sergio Leone (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly), Tarantino‘s western employs appropriately reminiscent visuals, fused with a unique narrative and his unflinching ability to follow the story – wherever it may go. Set in the old American south, this film touches upon the […]

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Will Smith Offered Lead in Tarantino Western

For the last few months there’s been plenty of talk surrounding Quentin Tarantino‘s latest project that’s looking to pay homage to his love of the spaghetti western genre. The new flick entitled Django Unchained has ties to the 1966 Italian western flick ‘Django’ which starred Franco Nero who is also attached to the project. The 60’s […]

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