Tag Archives | Freida Pinto


Here’s the official trailer for Immortals, a Greek epic directed by Tarsem Singh and starring the next Superman Henry Cavill as the warrior Theseus. It made quite an impression at the 2011 WonderCon with it’s flashy visuals that have similarities to ‘300’. The story sees a brutal and bloodthirsty King Hyperion played by Mickey Rourke, terrorizing Greece in search of […]

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The Apes Rise in a Prequel Story

Planet of the Apes is one of the most enduring film franchises with the 1968 original starring screen legend Charlton Heston spawning 4 sequels and a short lived TV series. The film was based on the 1963 book La planète des singes by Pierre Boulle and was directed by Franklin J. Schaffner with John Chambers […]

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