Tag Archives | Hangover 2

The Hangover Part II – Trailer #2

Okay, here you go Biatchs – it’s the new full length trailer for. The Hangover Part II! Get ready for another night of heavy boozing, pills and partying that result in one helluva hangover. Set in exotic Thailand, the story similarly deals with another bachelor party that get’s out of control – though this time […]

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The Hangover Part II – Teaser

The first teaser has been released by Warner Bros for the upcoming The Hangover Part II. Rather than giving insight into the events that bring about the latest hangover, the new teaser just highlights the disorientation that might be felt by the central characters – after all we pretty much know that it involves plenty […]

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Liam Neeson replaces Mel in the Hangover 2

It was quite the news over recent days when the cast of the Hangover 2, specifically Zach Galifianakis objected to the participation of  former superstar Mel Gibson in a cameo appearance. Somewhat ironic that Zach makes a living playing drug induced losers popping all sorts of drugs in the Hangover and in HBO’s Bored to […]

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Galifianakis Axes Mel’s Hangover Cameo

It was quite the talk last week when embattled movie star Mel Gibson was said to be appearing briefly as an opinionated Tattoo Artist in the Hangover 2. All seemed to be going well for the star to get his career back on track until news broke that his role has since been axed. Director […]

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