Tag Archives | Hans Zimmer

Zack Snyder’s MAN OF STEEL Teaser Trailers

Teaser trailers have been released for director Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel  – they’re both the same aside from the voice-overs provided by Supes’ Earth and Krypton Pa’s. The visuals play more like an ad, with very ambiguous ‘slice of life’ style imagery that’s tied into the Man of Steel’s conflicted emotional/moral dilemma – whether or not be a super hero is the message. The visuals are handheld and gritty, and […]

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Rango – Trailer #2

The newest trailer and poster for Rango has been released by Paramount Pictures.  It stars the vocal talents of Johnny Depp and reunites him with his original Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski, who’s turned his hand to the realm of CGI with ILM providing the animation. It’s borrows from the world of spaghetti […]

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Hans Zimmer Not Attached to Superman

As the Superman reboot gears up for production, rumors continue to fly and whilst we’re just as guilty, that’s the nature of the biz – news travels so fast that sometimes it gets ahead of itself. As is the case with Hans Zimmer who spoke with Scott Huver of Popcorn Blitz in October. The article […]

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Snyder’s Superman Getting Ready To Take Flight

News about the upcoming Superman reboot has come to light with word that the script by David Goyer and Christopher Nolan has been handed over to director Zack Snyder to be developed in his usual style. At a recent Warner Bros party in Hollywood to kick-off the upcoming  release of Inception on Blu-ray, Gregory Ellwood […]

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