Tag Archives | Jeff Daniels

LOOPER New International Trailer

A new international trailer for Rian Johnson’s eagerly awaited sci-fi film Looper, has gone online.  It tells the tale of a young hitman (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who eliminates targets sent back in time by mobsters in the future. However one day, Levitt’s character Joe, is about to carry out his next  routine execution – only to discover the target is the older version of himself […]

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After the horrendous prequel to the 1994 hit Dumb and Dumber, it seemed unlikely the original cast members or it’s directors, The Farrelly Brothers would return for a sequel. However after making their pet project The Three Stooges, the duo began moving forward on a second installment with plans for Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels to return as Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne, ‘the lovable dimwitted pals […]

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