Tag Archives | JJ Abrams

JJ Abrams’s REVOLUTION New Preview

A new preview for JJ Abrams and Eric Kripke‘s high-concept drama Revolution has been released by NBC – first shown during the Olympics coverage. The premise sees a mysterious event extinguish all the world’s power and the story picks up15 years later with the post-apocalyptic society that’s developed. It’s a big budget, high concept show that has plenty of great minds […]

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Chris Pine Talks STAR TREK 2 And IMAX 3D

With filming of the next installment of the JJ Abrams helmed Star Trek franchise reboot now complete, Chris Pine is doing press for his upcoming family dramedy People Like Us.  The film mark’s the  directorial debut of Trek 2‘s co-writer Alex Kurtzman, and follows the story of Sam (Chris Pine), a twenty-something guy who finds out that his recently deceased father had a secret 30 year […]

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REVOLUTION Sci-Fi Series Trailer From Jon Favreau & J.J. Abrams

The trailer for NBC’s Revolution has been online a mere 24 hrs and it’s already garnered close to 4 million hits, which implies this new show from Jon Favreau and J.J. Abrams and executive producers Eric Kripke (Supernatural) and Bryan Burk (Lost),  could be the next big thing on TV. While the high concept show Terra Nova faltered almost immediately, […]

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First Set Pics from STAR TREK 2

The first pics from the set of Star Trek 2 have emerged showing mystery villain Benedict Cumberbatch in battle with Spock ( Zachary Quinto ) who seems to be doing the vulcan nerve pinch to subdue him.  According to MTV, they are fighting on “a space barge set”, and MTV reports that Cumberbatch is wearing “a black version of the Star Fleet uniform […]

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STAR TREK Sequel – J.J. Abrams and Cast Give Updates

There’s plenty of of secrecy surrounding J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek sequel, with the plot being the closely guarded secret. With filming well underway, Captain Kirk himself Chris Pine, found some time to head over to London for the premiere of his new action-comedy This Means War, co-starring Tom Hardy and Reese Witherspoon. While there he was asked by Radio Times how things were going with the Star Trek sequel, […]

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J.J. Abrams Talks Trek Timeline

Filming is set to get underway on the sequel to J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot in January 2012. While there’s plenty of expectation on the next installment, there’s also ongoing scrutiny as to who the villain will be, the film-making technology that will be employed and how the story will continue after the 2009 flick shifted away from story […]

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STAR TREK Sequel Arrives 2013 in 3D

The sequel to J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot is finally moving ahead with shooting set to commence in the new year and an earlier than expected release date now set by Paramount. With pre-production moving along at warp speed, fans can also look forward to seeing the crew of the enterprise in a whole new dimension. While production was expected to […]

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J.J. Abrams Gives STAR TREK 2 Update

The J.J. Abrams helmed reboot of the Star Trek franchise was a massive hit back in 2009, and though the sequel was due to hit cinemas in June 2012,  script delays have forced Paramount to push the flick back to 2013. The reason for the delay is that the key figures have all been busy working on other projects; Abrams was […]

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COMIC-CON 2011 Jonathan Nolan Talks PERSON OF INTEREST

Jonathan Nolan was recently at the 2011 Comic-Con promoting Person of Interest, his new CBS TV show developed with J.J. Abrams. The pilot episode has been well received by test audiences, and the Comic-Con screening generated similar buzz. It combines high-tech crime fighting with classic mystery and action, as well as some cool sci-fi elements thrown in for good measure. Starring former ‘Lost’ bad guy Michael Emerson and ‘Passion […]

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Okay so it’s just another Mission Impossible flick you’re thinking right? perhaps not – the fourth installment marks the live-action directorial debut of Brad Bird whose understanding of cinematic choreography and character design propelled his CGI superhero movie, The Incredibles to earn more than $600 million worldwide and win an Oscar in 2004 for Best Animated Feature. Watching the new trailer you see everything you’d expect from a ‘Mission: Impossible’ movie and […]

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PROMETHEUS – Somewhere In The ALIEN Universe

Lost mastermind Damon Lindelof was recently on Kevin Pollak’s web-based chat series that covers topics relating to the creative pursuits of film and TV, including acting, directing and writing. Over the weekend, Lindelof was his guest and gave some incredible insights into the genesis that was Lost, as well as working on Ridley Scott‘s next sci-fi flick, Prometheus. What started out as a prequel story written by […]

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Super 8 – New Scenes

Here’s a really cool set of clips released by Paramount for J.J. Abrams new alien sci-fi 70’s esque flick, Super 8. The scenes showcase incredible visuals and demonstrate JJ’s ability to string together narrative in a remarkable style that’s reminiscent of the command that Spielberg’s earlier films had. The two clips show the pivotal moments that set up the main story […]

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