Tag Archives | Jonah Hill

Sensational New International Trailer for DJANGO UNCHAINED

Quentin Tarantino‘s latest genre bending epic Django Unchained  is but mere months away from release, and the latest trailer is the best one yet. This time we’re offered a better glimpse of the main characters with an emphasis on just how much fun everyone seems to be having helping to tell what looks to be an incredible story. We also get to see how […]

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THE WATCH Red Band Trailer

A new red band trailer has been released for the the comedy The Watch,  which stars Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, Ben Stiller and Richard Ayoade as a group of neighbors who form a local watch group and end up stumbling onto an alien plot to destroy the world. Here’s the synopsis: An outrageous comedy in which four everyday suburban guys (played by Ben Stiller, […]

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21 JUMP STREET Extended Red-Band Trailer

An extended red-band trailer for 21 Jump Street has been released that offers plenty more vulgarity and raunchy humor that will surely make this a mega hit. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum team up to infiltrate a high school and investigate the drug dealing racket which Dave Franco seems to be orchestrating. The flick has been getting plenty of great buzz and studio Columbia has a lot […]

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