Tag Archives | Joseph Gordon-Levitt

LOOPER New International Trailer

A new international trailer for Rian Johnson’s eagerly awaited sci-fi film Looper, has gone online.  It tells the tale of a young hitman (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who eliminates targets sent back in time by mobsters in the future. However one day, Levitt’s character Joe, is about to carry out his next  routine execution – only to discover the target is the older version of himself […]

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Rian Johnson’s LOOPER Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis

Writer-director Rian Johnson‘s Looper is shaping up to be a cool futuristic thriller which doesn’t rely on digital cities and flying cars – though perhaps flying bikes, to set the scene for a stylish realm where time travel is used for the diabolical needs of the mob. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis play the same character, just 30 years apart, and when the […]

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt As Bruce Willis in LOOPER

Director Rian Johnson’s Looper is shaping up to be one this years most-anticipated films. The flick sees present-day hitmen known as Loopers, working for a future mob who use time-travel as a way of getting rid of their problems. In the upcoming sci-fi, Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Joe, a Looper enjoying the rewards of the profession – until the day everything […]

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The new trailer is here for Christopher Nolan‘s The Dark Knight Rises – packed full of action and ominous warning. Bruce Wayne seeks more enlightenment and Bane reeks havoc and terror upon Gotham. If you haven’t yet caught the IMAX prologue, be sure to check it out before screenings of Ghost Protocol. Tom Hardy‘s Bane is clearly the motivating force […]

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Filming is now underway on the highly anticipated third installment of the Batman saga. Production started early this month in Jodhpur, India, before moving to other locations which include North America (Pittsburgh, New York, and Los Angeles), Europe (England and Scotland), and Asia (India). With the commencement of shooting comes the first image of a […]

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