Tag Archives | Lord of the Rings

THE HOBBIT Prequels Will Now Be A Trilogy

Peter Jackson‘s return to Middle Earth is not over yet, with production now confirmed to be continuing beyond the two prequels with the story now unfolding as a trilogy. Heat Vision had previously reported that Jackson was exploring the logistics with Warner Bros to make an additional movie, with consideration given to financial, casting issues and the rights […]

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Peter Jackson Talks Crafting THE HOBBIT Prequels

There’s plenty to look forward to when the first of The Hobbit prequels hits screens in December 2012. Not only will the new films feature cutting edge imagery that only Weta digital can conjure, it will also be presented in 3D having been shot using the Red digital camera system. While the technological differences will be apparent, the world which director Peter Jackson is creating, […]

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Elijah Wood Talks His Hobbit Prequels Cameo

News broke two weeks back that Elijah Wood would be appearing in Peter Jackson‘s Hobbit prequels. Fans were obviously excited about his return as the beloved Shire-dweller Frodo and with other familiar cast members announced the new films are shaping up to be something extraordinary. While at the recent Sundance Film Festival to promote the […]

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Peter Jackson Signs on to Direct The Hobbit

The Lord of the Rings trilogy were an incredible accomplishment in film making featuring an exceptional ensemble cast, dazzling visual effects and a narrative continuity that was a testament to the magnitude of the production with each film being shot back to back over 2 years. The development time of the films was considerably longer and […]

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