Tag Archives | Lost

Damon Lindelof Explains The LOST Finale

The Lost finale is a topic that for many still brings back painful memories, for others it was an innovative and shocking twist to the mysterious show that re-invented serialized story-lines. Damon Lindelof who ran the production with co-show-runner Carlton Cuse, were responsible for steering the story towards the inevitable conclusion. Lindelof has given some explanations about the series finale since the show left the airwaves, but until now he’s never been […]

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LOST star Matthew Fox in ALEX CROSS

The first images of Matthew Fox in Alex Cross are here. The former Lost star plays the film’s villain. The images show how the actor has totally transformed himself to distance himself from the heroic character he played on the landmark TV series, and so it will be interesting to see how this shift in characters plays out. Tyler Perry is the titular character in the adaptation of James Patterson’s crime novel I, […]

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PROMETHEUS – Somewhere In The ALIEN Universe

Lost mastermind Damon Lindelof was recently on Kevin Pollak’s web-based chat series that covers topics relating to the creative pursuits of film and TV, including acting, directing and writing. Over the weekend, Lindelof was his guest and gave some incredible insights into the genesis that was Lost, as well as working on Ridley Scott‘s next sci-fi flick, Prometheus. What started out as a prequel story written by […]

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Alcatraz: New Island, New Mystery

J.J. Abrams is bringing a new series to television and this time with another island at the center of its story. Hopefully this one stays put and the characters remain in the land of the living. The new show is called Alcatraz and it’s a combination of sci-fi and supernatural elements with the usual twists […]

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Hawaii get a new Five – 0

Hawaii Five – 0 is returning to TV with an all new look and style with some recognizable faces taking over the iconic roles. Based on the phenomenal series which ran a remarkable 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, it’s set in the same locale but promises a fresh take on the classic show. Lost […]

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Lost offers fans a new epilogue on Blu-ray

Whilst some fans of Lost enjoyed the tearful series finale, others felt considerably let down and somewhat mortified with the conclusion. The premise established in the first season focused on events taking place on the increasingly strange island whilst inter-cutting the character’s lives prior to the plane crash. These memories would overlap and reveal character […]

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