Tag Archives | Mission Impossible 4

Director Brad Bird Talks MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 5 and GHOST PROTOCOL’s Ending

Brad Bird made his live-action directorial debut in a big way with last years Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, delivering a crowd pleasing flick that has helped re-invigorate the franchise. The staging of Tom Cruise‘s death defying stunts were visually impressive, and the film’s tone captured the essence of a classic Mission: Impossible, where no team member was a rat, and […]

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Okay so it’s just another Mission Impossible flick you’re thinking right? perhaps not – the fourth installment marks the live-action directorial debut of Brad Bird whose understanding of cinematic choreography and character design propelled his CGI superhero movie, The Incredibles to earn more than $600 million worldwide and win an Oscar in 2004 for Best Animated Feature. Watching the new trailer you see everything you’d expect from a ‘Mission: Impossible’ movie and […]

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Tom Cruise – Ghost Protocol Stuntwork

Here’s some vision that’s turned up from the spectators watching in awe as Tom Cruise hangs from the worlds tallest building from a single rope. If the couch jumping thing had you worried then this should put your mind at ease. It’s unbelievable footage of a man rumored to be worth more than 1/2 billion […]

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Cruise’s Team Accepts Their Mission

After months of speculation and rumor, the latest addition to the series with master animator Brad Bird making his directorial debut, finally settles on a title. For months the word was the studio was going to call it The Mission, yeah that’s was crazy – in the hopes it could be a reboot so that […]

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