Tag Archives | RED EPIC

Peter Jackson Talks Crafting THE HOBBIT Prequels

There’s plenty to look forward to when the first of The Hobbit prequels hits screens in December 2012. Not only will the new films feature cutting edge imagery that only Weta digital can conjure, it will also be presented in 3D having been shot using the Red digital camera system. While the technological differences will be apparent, the world which director Peter Jackson is creating, […]

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The Amazing Spider-Man – Revealed

After sometime without a complete title for the upcoming reboot, Columbia Pictures announced today that the title will be The Amazing Spider-Man. Simultaneously the studio has also released a photo of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, though we’ve seen the stunt double doing the rounds, this is the first shot of Garfield wearing the newly designed […]

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Spider-man Shooting in EPIC 3D

Most people would be aware that production on the new Spider-man reboot starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone was to start shooting sometime in December, the exact date was a bit of a mystery, until now. Now we know that ‘filming’ began on Monday 6th December and thanks to an announcement by the films Director […]

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Emma Stone Shows Off New Blonde Do

With filming of Spider-man underway this month, Emma Stone is now showing off her blonde locks for her Gwen Stacy character. At one stage it was assumed her red hair would see her play the role of Mary Jane but that turned out not to be the case with no word of that character being […]

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Peter Jackson to Shoot The Hobbit in EPIC 3D

With digital technology changing how films are being made, the traditional 35mm film format is gradually being phased out. More and more filmmakers such as Peter Jackson are embracing the new digital formats to create cutting edge visuals and achieve greater flexibility in the process of making movies. Whilst there are still merits to the […]

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