Tag Archives | ridley scott

Charlize Theron In Snow White Re-Imagining, Maybe Alien Prequel

Charlize Theron has signed on to play the Evil Queen in Universal’s Snow White and The Huntsman with Michael Fassbender said to in the running for the huntsman character (Johhny Depp was originally considered). However there’s something of a race going on between Universal and Relativity Media who are also aiming to deliver a similar […]

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H.R. Giger Returns for The Alien ‘Prequel’

The acclaimed artist who conceived much of the terrifying world unleashed in 1979’s Alien is re-teaming with Ridley Scott for the upcoming prequel feature. Carmen Scheifele, the wife of the surrealist sculptor and designer H.R. Giger spoke with German TV and said that her husband was indeed returning to work with Scott on the sets and […]

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Lindelof Overhauls Alien, Onboard for Trek 2

Damon Lindelof is one of the creative minds who brought us the mind bending TV juggernaut Lost which concluded in May, now the writer / producer is focusing his efforts on projects for the big screen. Having worked as a script doctor for the studios, he became the Go-to-guy and is now a significant influence […]

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Are the Alien Prequels in Limbo?

It was all a buzz when Ridley Scott announced he was returning to the Alien Franchise for not one, but two films set to be prequels to the original 1979 movie.  Pre-production had begun with Lost writer Damon Lindleof recently hired to re-write John Spaits original script to achieve  maximum narrative effect.  The latest 3d […]

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Ripley, we’re scared

When Alien hit screens in 1979 it changed sci-fi /horrors forever, not only did it have impressive effects and rich production design, it’s director was able to do something that few had achieved up until then, create an intelligent and claustrophobic horror that pinned audiences to their seats. At the core there was a profound […]

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To Kill a Xenomorph

For some time it has been touch and go but it seems that the stars are in alignment and confirmations of rumors seem fortuitous for fans of their favorite Xenomorph, aka the Alien. The esteemed director of the original Alien franchise Sir Ridley Scott, will be returning to helm a brand new installment of the […]

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