Tag Archives | TEEN WOLF

TEEN WOLF Gets Extended Season 3

MTV’s Teen Wolf recently won Best Youth-Oriented Television Series at this year’s Saturn Awards. It’s also trending well with audiences on social media, and this has encouraged the network to extend the order for Season 3. Originally each season has been told through a 12 episode arc, now fans will get a double does with 24 episodes set to air. Show creator/executive producer Jeff Davis recently spoke about […]

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Meet the Stars of MTV’s TEEN WOLF

Reality network MTV is breaking the mold with a re-imagining of the 80’s comedy flick, Teen Wolf that starred Michael J.Fox. From creator/executive producer Jeff Davis and director/co-executive producer Russell Mulcahy, the show takes a bite out of the usual stereotypical fare and after just a few episodes it’s quickly apparent that this is more than […]

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