Tag Archives | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

New Trailer for THE HOBBIT

A new trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey has been released that’s only marginally different from the previous one – but nonetheless offers some new imagery of Martin Freeman and Ian McKellan.  Director Peter Jackson recently announced that he will now extend the story beyond the two planned prequels to create a new trilogy. The third film will incorporate additional J.R.R. Tolkien content that […]

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Peter Jackson Talks Crafting THE HOBBIT Prequels

There’s plenty to look forward to when the first of The Hobbit prequels hits screens in December 2012. Not only will the new films feature cutting edge imagery that only Weta digital can conjure, it will also be presented in 3D having been shot using the Red digital camera system. While the technological differences will be apparent, the world which director Peter Jackson is creating, […]

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Over the last week Warner Bros has been releasing pictures of the 13 dwarves that feature in Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, now we have a complete character line up which also reveals Aidan Turner who departed the hit U.K show Being Human, in full dress make-up as the character Kili. The filming of the Hobbit prequels is currently […]

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