Tag Archives | The Hobbit

THE HOBBIT Prequels Will Now Be A Trilogy

Peter Jackson‘s return to Middle Earth is not over yet, with production now confirmed to be continuing beyond the two prequels with the story now unfolding as a trilogy. Heat Vision had previously reported that Jackson was exploring the logistics with Warner Bros to make an additional movie, with consideration given to financial, casting issues and the rights […]

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Peter Jackson Talks Crafting THE HOBBIT Prequels

There’s plenty to look forward to when the first of The Hobbit prequels hits screens in December 2012. Not only will the new films feature cutting edge imagery that only Weta digital can conjure, it will also be presented in 3D having been shot using the Red digital camera system. While the technological differences will be apparent, the world which director Peter Jackson is creating, […]

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Over the last week Warner Bros has been releasing pictures of the 13 dwarves that feature in Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, now we have a complete character line up which also reveals Aidan Turner who departed the hit U.K show Being Human, in full dress make-up as the character Kili. The filming of the Hobbit prequels is currently […]

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Peter Jackson Talks THE HOBBIT

Peter Jackson has shared new set pics with Entertainment Weekly to give fans a first look at Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins and Ian McKellen reprising his role as Gandolf. The images show how Freeman has been transformed into a hobbit wearing the ears and feet to complete the character. The background shows some of the other characters, though for now […]

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While Robert Downey Jr. currently plays the Elizabethan version of Sherlock Holmes on the big screen, Benedict Cumberbatch electrifies the small screen playing the same character in a present day retelling made for the BBC. His co-star Martin Freeman who plays Watson on the show, scored the main role of Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson‘s prequels to The Lord of […]

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THE HOBBIT Set Video Blog

Fans of the ‘Lord of The Rings’ films are looking forward to what will be an amazing cinema experience with Peter Jackson returning to direct two new prequel chapters of The Hobbit with many of the original cast returning. Filming is currently underway in New Zealand and now you can go behind the scenes with […]

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THE HOBBIT’s Journey Begins

After all the delays that production on The Hobbit prequels have encountered, Warner Bros recently announced that the films have commenced shooting. At one stage the New Zealand labor strike forced producers to consider the possibility of relocating the production and the financial woes of MGM saw Guillermo del Toro leave the project with Peter […]

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Aidan Turner Departs BEING HUMAN

Being Human is the stellar supernatural TV show from the U.K that boasts great production values and top notch performances and this year was adapted for U.S audiences. Though if you caught the season three finale of the vampire, werewolf and ghost show by whatever means possible, like many fans you would’ve been shocked with […]

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Elijah Wood Talks His Hobbit Prequels Cameo

News broke two weeks back that Elijah Wood would be appearing in Peter Jackson‘s Hobbit prequels. Fans were obviously excited about his return as the beloved Shire-dweller Frodo and with other familiar cast members announced the new films are shaping up to be something extraordinary. While at the recent Sundance Film Festival to promote the […]

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Peter Jackson to Shoot The Hobbit in EPIC 3D

With digital technology changing how films are being made, the traditional 35mm film format is gradually being phased out. More and more filmmakers such as Peter Jackson are embracing the new digital formats to create cutting edge visuals and achieve greater flexibility in the process of making movies. Whilst there are still merits to the […]

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